Do you plan on purchasing a new air conditioner this spring to prepare for the cooling season? Arm yourself with the correct information to maximize whole-home comfort, energy efficiency and operational savings. Here are four considerations homeowners should take into account when investing in a new AC installation in Jacksonville, FL:
The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER)
The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is a rating that measures an air conditioner’s output during an average cooling season divided by how much energy it consumes. The higher the SEER, the less energy the AC system uses. Today’s air conditioners feature SEER ratings as high as 25, but higher isn’t always best in every situation.
Getting a Correctly Sized AC Installation
Installing a correctly sized air conditioner is critical to minimize cooling and repair costs over the system’s lifespan. An undersized or oversized AC system will waste energy, strain to reach your desired temperature and cause discomfort. An experienced HVAC professional can perform a cooling load calculation to size your AC installation correctly.
Investing in a Variable-Speed Air Conditioner
Old single-stage air conditioners operate at 100% capacity when running. Two-stage AC systems run at two different capacities: 100% or 60-65% capacity. While two-stage AC systems save energy and money, they aren’t as energy-efficient as variable-speed air conditioners. Variable-speed AC systems operate at many cooling stages. They run continuously and offer better temperature control, avoiding the energy waste of start-and-stop cycling.
Ducts or No Ducts? That is the Question
Finally, consider whether you should opt for a single- or multi-zone ductless AC installation. Ditching the ducts can save you a lot of money if it’s the right move for your household. A professional can help you figure that out.
Correctly sizing your AC installation requires professional assistance. Contact Ed’s Comfort Solutions to learn more about SEER ratings, variable-speed air conditioning and our ductless solutions. We’re happy to install your new air conditioner.
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