Fireproof Your Home

3 Ways to Fireproof Your Home

September 22, 2018

You’ve seen the wildfires ravaging the Pacific Northwest. While Yulee, Florida, isn’t as familiar with this catastrophic phenomena, you can’t help but worry about your own home catching fire. Although you can’t fireproof everything in your home, you can certainly make a dangerous fire less likely. These simple methods will help you fireproof your home and prepare it against a blaze:

Leave HVAC Maintenance to Professionals

While you can certainly change air filters and learn how to efficiently use your HVAC system, you should leave the vast majority of its care to professional HVAC service technicians. Thorough HVAC maintenance involves considerable electrical work. If one thing goes wrong, you could spark an electrical fire. Instead of taking that chance, schedule preventive HVAC maintenance twice a year with your local HVAC service technician.

Care for Your Yard

Your yard can become the source of a fire, especially during dry seasons. In the winter, your lawn may go dormant and leave only dry grass in your yard. Keep that grass cut short and remove dry vegetation, such as dead weeds, from around your home. If you really want to fireproof your yard, consider planting some fire-resistant plants, such as lavender, sycamore, live oak, eastern redbud and agave.

Check Smoke Detectors Regularly

The smoke detectors in your home are your first line of defense in a fire. Before you even notice the smoke, your detectors can alert you to a problem and give you time to take emergency measures or evacuate. You should test your smoke detectors at least once a month. Change their batteries twice a year to guarantee that they’re ready in the event of a fire.

There’s no way to fireproof your home completely. But you can mitigate the chances of a fire with these three simple steps. To schedule safe and professional HVAC maintenance, call Ed’s Comfort Solutions at (866) 429-0417.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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