Need UV Lamp

3 Ways a UV Lamp Can Improve Your Air Quality in Duval, FL

August 11, 2021

For more than 150 years, humans have used ultraviolet light to sterilize surfaces and eliminate dangerous pathogens in the air. Thanks to recent advances in lighting technology, it’s now easier than ever to install an energy-efficient UV lamp in your Duval, FL home. Here are the top three ways that a UV lamp can boost your indoor air quality right now:

Kill Microbial and Other Harmful Organisms

Ultraviolet light is like kryptonite for bacteria, dust mites and other organisms that can compromise your indoor air quality (IAQ). UV light is even effective at eliminating microbial growth on walls and floors.

Remove Volatile Organic Compounds Out of the Air

Unless you’re making a concerted effort to buy eco-friendly carpeting and paint, you probably have VOCs floating around your home. These compounds, which can include formaldehyde and ethylene glycol, can cause all kinds of chronic health problems. UV light eliminates these VOCs by using high-energy rays to break their chemical bonds and dissolve them in the air.

Improve Your AC System’s Overall Performance

Did you know that a high-performance ultraviolet lamp can kill nine out of every 10 microorganisms living in your air conditioner’s ducts and condenser coils? When your AC system doesn’t have dirty coils and clogged filters, it can put all of its energy towards doing its main job. An efficient AC system results in more bang for your buck on your utility bill. Therefore, don’t be surprised to see a decrease in your electricity costs after installing a few UV lamps.

Are you interested in learning more about how a UV lamp can improve your IAQ? Contact the indoor air quality professionals at Ed’s Comfort Solutions to schedule a service call today. We’re happy to help you maximize indoor comfort and improve your home’s air quality with the most effective solutions available.

Image provided by iStock

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